The Benefits of Acupressure Massage & Moxa Treatments
Acupressure is ancient and well known through the arts and therapies of Chinese medicine as well as a valued part of holistic healing in many other cultures through time.
Using the Chinese Medicine System, we see a very holistic and integrated approach to working with the body and organs. It is a system which connects emotions, seasons, organs, and overall vitality and function of the body. When chi (energy) is trapped, blocked or not moving freely through the meridians(channels) we see the start of dis ease. By connecting our breath (consciousness) and receiving stimulation through touch of these acupressure points along the meridians, the stagnant chi begins to move.
Moxa, also known as mugwort or artemisa vulgaris or artemisia argyii, is an herb which is commonly burned close to the acupressure (or acupuncture) point. Moxa delivers a warming sensation and medicinal effect to the point which then moves through the meridian, thus affecting the whole body. For example if a client is needing balance in their kidneys (from too much stress, etc) then I may hover the burning moxa stick over a kidney point (such as Kidney 1 which is a source point located mid upper center of the bottom of the foot).
There are many books and resources for further study. Chinese Medicine is vast and there is no end to the depth of valuable information which one discovers, uncovers and is able to explore and experience.
Here are just a few books which have been helpful for my studies:
“Acupressure for Common Ailments” by Chris Jarmey and John Tindall
“Acupressure Way of Health: Jin Shin Do” by Iona Marsaa TeeGuarden