Re Set Session~ acupressure, Swedish massage & moxa treatment, using almond oil & anti-inflammatory essential oil of Frankincense (I focus on the Yu Points along sides of the spine and on the feet for rejuvenation of all organs/body systems) $80/ 30 minutes
$160/ 1 hour
Un-Do Session~ unwind stress accumulated in the body, relax the mind w/ guided deep breathing meditation, luxurious lavender & neroli infused almond oil Swedish style massage w/ acupressure & warm stones to aid in circulation & overall energy flow $100/ 30 minutes
$200/ 1 hour
Ultra Nurturing Session + belly massage~ Swedish style massage w/acupressure, moxa treatment & lavender, geranium & vetiver infused almond oil w/ warm stones and towels, w/ a focus on slow, nourishing touch and a belly massage
(we generally hold tension in the belly and by giving our bellies a chance to unwind and soften, we can feel a sense of grounding; helping us to return to our centre and our breath, encouraging overall health)
$250/ 1 hour
$300/ 90 mins